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The Mental Health Act

This workshop has been mapped against CQC standards, KSF Dimensions and is run by approved instructors in accordance with best practice guidelines.

Learning Outcomes

The Mental Health Act, 1983 was amended in 2007 and protects those who are subject to compulsion under the Act (including services that provide support for older people). The Act clarifies the law under which decisions are made for those who lack the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves and establishes a substantial new infrastructure to control such decisions. The Act affects most organisations delivering health or social care in all settings (including primary care, general practice, community care, acute hospitals, residential and domiciliary care and mental health services). Through presentation and discussion, this workshop is useful for anyone who supports people with mental health problems. It provides a useful overview of the Act who would like to familiarise or update themselves with its main provisions. At the end of this workshop learners will have an understanding of the guiding principles of the Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act, Code of Practice and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards , will be able to identify the key changes in the Mental Health Act, discuss the impact of the Mental Health Act and the practical challenges & opportunities that it creates and the clinical roles and responsibilities within the healthcare team.

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